About this blog

Here, I post some of my creations like charms, wallets, bracelets, etc.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

AG Doll Jumper Dress/Suspender

Hello Everyone!

-It's been a VERY long time since I posted. I haven't been making stuff lately. (Sorry!). 

But I'm Back! With something different!

I have made an American Girl Doll Jumper Dress/Suspender! 

I got the idea from this certain British Band known as "One Direction". Louis Tomlinson is my favorite so I decided to make this suspender dress for my doll!

This is the front view. It has a brown and black polka-dot pattern. The skirt has no elastic. 

Skirt measures: 13-14 inches in width and 5-6 inches in length.

This is the back view. As you can see, the suspenders are criss-crossed at the back. With of course, the skirt. The suspenders are folded in half, so it's really just 1 piece of fabric.

Suspenders measure: 20-21 inches in width and 1 1/2 inches in length.

So, hope you like my newest creation! I will try and post more things! I'm sorry! I'm busy with piano! 
Till, the next time!